This is not for the faint of heart. This is not a pretty dish, nor does it smell like, well, anything other than onions. No, this is not a sandwich for everyone.
However. If you are one of those people, the people whose steaks are incomplete without sautéed onions, whose burgers are sadly lacking when not topped with this versatile vegetable, whose salads must have a bit of oniony crunch to them, well, let me say you and I are kindred spirits. And so, dear friends, I would like to share this with you.
The onion sandwich. It is beautiful in its simplicity, in its humble adornment. Bread, a touch of butter, and one whole sautéed onion. I like to toss in some greek seasoning as well, but you can season however you like. There's no real recipe to this, but the longer you sauté the onions, the sweeter they'll be. I'm not all that fond of blackened onions, but many people like to let them sauté that long, as it sweetens the onion greatly. Make this to taste, but if you are an onion lover like me, you won't be disappointed.