Happy Discoveries.

This weekend I am visiting family to celebrate my Gramma Eva's 85th birthday. While I'll post on this whole weekend after it's through, I thought I'd share a lovely surprise from today. This afternoon, my mom and I snuck away from the house to run a few errands and to get a new pair of jeans for me, as mine are now too large. (yay!) After trying on MANY pairs in different cuts, lengths, and styles, we made the lovely discovery that I am down not one size, as I thought, but two jean sizes! Woot! The new jeans are ever so slightly tight, but as the next size up was falling off, they'll work well. Besides, today was that much more incentive to keep working out! (let me tell you, I needed that!) on top of all that, I got a free shirt, just for buying my jeans! Awesome day. :)


Wow, it's been a crazy summer. I feel as if I'm finally settling back into routine after three major trips, a couple illnesses, and a few other upheavals this summer. I remember really looking forward to this summer, looking forward to the weather, the farmers markets, the lovely fresh produce available, and the family time. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed all of that, and more. Suddenly though, fall is staring me in the face, and I feel as though I've missed something. As though I need to squeeze in one more smoothie, one more walk, a splash in the pool, something. I never made popsicles. :)

While I contemplate all of this, I anticipate what is ahead. Fall, my favorite season, with the leaves changing colors, light jackets and the occasional scarves needed, and a cool, clean crispness in the air. A season of apple pie, applesauce, apple cider...I can get carried away in apple season. :)

My hope is that I can squeeze every last drop of happiness out of summer, and fully enjoy fall and the coming winter as well. Too often I get caught up in the day to day trials, and I miss the changes God presents all around me. I hope to change that, and truly appreciate what He's shared.

Money Saving Tips.

Whether or not the economy is up or down, (and it still seems pretty down...) we all benefit from saving money, no matter whether we're saving for a nice night out or a new car or home. I've decided to compile my list of money saving tips that I've discovered or that people have given me over the years. Please share any you've found in the comments section.

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Well, my garden is well under way. I did find my Marguerite Daisies, but it turns out the particular variety I was searching for is only nicknamed a daisy, and is actually a Argyranthemum. In any case, I was estatic to find it. Lately, I'm not so estatic about it. It's a six inch high brown bushy lump. I've followed all the care instructions, and yet it's dying. Does anyone out there know much about Argyranthemum frutescens? Please let me know if you've got any advice. Thanks!

Spring Cleaning and Gardens.

I find myself in the midst of spring cleaning. It is absolutely gorgeous outside, and I've locked myself indoors with noxious chemicals. (Well, mainly clorox wipes and dust rags, but still...) It looks so lovely outside, I find myself wanting my home to compare, if not match, that beauty. And so, with dust rag in hand, I have been sorting through my shelves, my cabinets, and my closets and dusting everything in sight while tossing in the donation bin anything that has seen better days.

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I apologize for the lack of posts this month. My church here in Lincoln is putting on their 19th annual easter pageant this week, and as the interim choral director, I'm rather involved. :) Regular posting should resume in April, after the holiday. Until then, Happy Easter!

If you are interested in attending our pageant, upcoming performances are at Southview Baptist Church in Lincoln, NE, on the 26th, 27th, and 28th at 7 pm. There is an additional performance on Saturday the 27th at 3 pm.  Our pageant depicts events in Christ's life including his death and resurrection. It is fairly realistic, so if you have very young children you may want to consider the provided childcare. (You can trust the childcare, I'm trusting them with my son as well.) :) I hope you are able to join us!

Allow me to rejoice.

I now weigh what I did when I got married. It hasn't been that long, about 2 1/2 years, but between having a baby and simply not always watching what I ate, I ended up 11 lbs heavier. I realize, this isn't incredibly terrible, but it wasn't great either, considering I was overweight to begin with.
But let's get past the past. What does this mean for me now? I can fit into some of my favorite clothes again. I can shop for clothes at target again. (Cheap, but great place to get layering clothes.) I will need new jeans soon. (My current ones are slightly loose straight out of the dryer and get crazy loose by the end of the day.) I am simply more comfortable with myself, more confident. I don't feel guilty having the occasional high calorie or high fat meal as I always have before, because I know it's not the end of the world, it's one day, one meal.
I'm by no means stopping here. My doctor has challenged me to lose 20 more lbs by June. I will try to be open and honest along the way, and let you all know how I do. Until then, please excuse me as I go celebrate this mini victory!

Practicing Yoga.

I went to my first yoga class the morning I was to meet my parents to shop for my wedding dress.  The class was at 6 am, and I was to meet them in a town an hour away at 9. I wasn't sure what to expect out of our marathon shopping day ahead, but I knew I was going to need energy, and I wanted a quick tone up as well. 

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Halloween musings.

It's Halloween, and I find myself looking forward to a day of random, mundane chores, and a bit of work to prepare for tomorrow.  Chris and I took Jonathan to a Halloween party last night, and so it really feels like the holiday has come and gone already, and this is just a normal Saturday.  At this point, I'm wondering if it's worth it to brave the crowds to find random things like a better high chair/booster seat for Jonathan, throw pillows for the couch, and groceries for the week. We don't really get any trick or treaters in our complex, so Chris and I have been slowly snacking away at our 'just in case' candy, and I don't even know if I should replenish...just in case...

Oh well, should be a nice, relaxing day!