
I'm nearly done harvesting everything from our garden. I need to do final cleanup this week, pulling up dead plants and trimming others, but I'm somewhat dreading it, mainly for the mosquitoes and other bugs that have taken up residence, who like to defend their territory against me. It must be done though, as our last yard waste pick up day is Thursday. It seems earlier this year, even though it's not. Oh well. Harvest has gone well this year, despite my having lost interest in the garden in August, as I always do, only gaining interest again when it was cooler in late September. Everything survives without me at this point, especially since it's started raining again. I can't remember the last time I watered my garden, honestly.

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Spring is finally here (I think). I'm itching to put flowers in the ground, but we've still got a few nights ahead where it could freeze, so I'm holding off a bit longer. I decided to take Jonathan to the greenhouse down the street the other day though.

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On Gardening.

I've learned a great deal from my garden this year. It's the first year I've been able to garden with ground instead of pots, and I love it. While I'm no expert in gardening, (see above: first year in ground), I thought I'd share what I've learned.

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I began my garden for this year in the first week of april, mainly due to the fact that we had gorgeous weather, and that was expected to continue. I've decided to branch out a bit on what varieties of herbs I grow this year. I've chosen Purple Sage, Pineapple Sage, Lemon Thyme, Purple Oregano, Chocolate Mint, Rosemary (holdover from last year...), Curly Leaf Parsley, and Hidcote Lavender. I'm still working on getting basil, of which I hope to get African Blue Basil, which is sterile and won't die when it blooms like all other basil, but as none of the greenhouses in town are planning to get any, my hopes aren't high. I'd also like to get a bay tree, but they were not ordered in as of when we got the other plants. The rest of the garden will be filled with pretty, blooming flowers that we can enjoy simply for their beauty.

As we live in an apartment, all of these things are in pots, which are now sitting in our living room, since it suddenly dropped to 28°F today and began to snow. As it looks to be clearing up, though, and nothing has actually stuck, I hope to move everything back outside tomorrow.


Well, my garden is well under way. I did find my Marguerite Daisies, but it turns out the particular variety I was searching for is only nicknamed a daisy, and is actually a Argyranthemum. In any case, I was estatic to find it. Lately, I'm not so estatic about it. It's a six inch high brown bushy lump. I've followed all the care instructions, and yet it's dying. Does anyone out there know much about Argyranthemum frutescens? Please let me know if you've got any advice. Thanks!

Spring Cleaning and Gardens.

I find myself in the midst of spring cleaning. It is absolutely gorgeous outside, and I've locked myself indoors with noxious chemicals. (Well, mainly clorox wipes and dust rags, but still...) It looks so lovely outside, I find myself wanting my home to compare, if not match, that beauty. And so, with dust rag in hand, I have been sorting through my shelves, my cabinets, and my closets and dusting everything in sight while tossing in the donation bin anything that has seen better days.

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These are my plants. I know. Exciting post. I have been trying to post these, though, for about a month and a half, but I couldn't until all the students left vermillion and the internet got back up to normal speed again. I'm planning to do one of those "100 Things" posts soon though...working up to it. Check out Psychobunny's page to get what I'm talking about.